Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, 2014

138th Annual Westminster Kennel Club and Dog ShowIt’s that time of year again! The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is around the corner! Grand Champion El Grande Rock of Love Bobchi, AKA Rocky is entered and ready to go. This will mark Rocky’s third appearance at this famous show, in 2010 Rocky won an Award of Merit. I am proud to say; 2013 was a good year for Rocky and me. He was ranked the #2 Smooth Coat Chihuahua in Pennsylvania and ranked #2 Owner-Handler as well.

I am looking forward to the big show and all of the specialty shows that will be held the weekend before. For my family and I this is a tradition that we have carried on since 1999. First as spectators and for me in 2011, as an Owner-Handler. But I have to say, it’s not the same as it used to be. I was very lucky to have been able to show Rocky at Madison Square Garden. It was thrilling to be there. Sadly, the show will never be the same since it has been moved to the piers and having a champion is no longer required, Westminster is just another dog show. Oh well, it is still exciting, but I do miss the good old days!

For more information on this year’s event, visit http://www.westminsterkennelclub.org/2014/show/info.html

Monday & Tuesday, February 10-11, 2014 : 2014 8AM-6PM
— Monday to include hound, toy, non-sporting and herding groups
— Tuesday to include sporting, working and terrier groups

Live streaming of all breed judging will be available on westminsterkennelclub.org and on the official 2014 Westminster Show App
The Piers 92/94, 711 12th Ave at 55th Street & West Side Highway
Parking & Directions Info

Rocky wins again at Lehigh Valley shows; Finishes year as second ranked Smooth Coat Chihuahua in Pennsylvania
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