For the last several years, animal lovers have marked November as National 'Adopt a Senior Dog Month.' There are around 6-7 million dogs and cats living in US shelters each year and many are considered "senior" or "older adoptable" pets. Animals with just an average of just 25% of their lives left are considered senior. Dogs that are age seven and older are also often called "senior." On social media, this month is also promoted as #AdoptaSeniorPetMonth, … [Read more...]
October is National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
October is National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month and if I have not already stressed the point enough in previous posts, there are an abundance of reasons to take in one of these lovely souls. has a useful tool to find a pet shelter and rescue organization in your area. According to the ASPCA, here are some eye-opening statistics.. Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, … [Read more...]
Celebrate National Dog Day – August 26th
It is National Dog Day again! Celebrated each year on August 26th, the event was started by animal advocate Colleen Paige in 2004 as a way to bring attention to the plight of animals and encourage adoption. Her family family adopted their first dog named Sheltie when Colleen was 10 years old on an August 26 date. Colleen has also initiated National Puppy Day, National Mutt Day, and National Cat Day. According to her website, "National Dog Day celebrates … [Read more...]
October Is ‘Adopt A Shelter Dog’ Month
If you are willing to open your heart and home to a dog in need, now is a good a time to do it. There are so many wonderful dogs in shelters waiting to be adopted. Unfortunately some people think that if a dog ends up in a shelter it must be their fault, he’s a biter or barks too much or urinates in the house, so they shy away from adopting a “problem” dog. It’s simply not true. There are great dogs in shelters, they just need a second chance. I have … [Read more...]
November Is Adopt-A-Senior-Pet Month
Did you know that November is National Adopt-A-Senior-Pet Month? Of course there is never a bad time to consider taking in an older animal. In fact, according to a survey, "less-adoptable" pets wait for a home nearly four times longer than the average adoptable pet does - and sometimes more than two years! The ASPCA published their Top Ten Reasons to adopt a an older dog. They include the fact that they are easier to train, they settle … [Read more...]
Adopting A Senior Dog
If you are reading this, hopefully you are a dog lover. If you have time, consider volunteering at your local animal shelter. Or at least consider donating needed items. But for some real satisfaction, I highly recommend adopting a senior dog! A friend of mine volunteers by walking dogs at a local shelter. Recently she rescued a very old blind toy poodle that she claims is; "the love of her life.” She has three dogs. While chatting with her I said; “I … [Read more...]
Consider Adopting a Senior Dog
While researching tips on adopting a senior dog, I came across an article in The Huffington Post called "This Old Dog Needs A New Home -- And So Do 74 Of His Friends!" by Arin Greenwood. According to the article, "Seniors are even more grateful for the love and comfort an adopter provides and are calm and take things in stride.” Additionally, Sara Cross, founder of Badass Brooklyn Animal rescue, goes on to say that “Adopting a senior dog and giving that … [Read more...]