It was rainy and cold as we left for the Penn Treaty Kennel Club show on November 17th. The Greater Philadelphia Expo Center is a nice venue, large and airy. The show is well attended.
There are four shows in this cluster. The one on Sunday (“the National Dog Show”) is televised on Thanksgiving. I would only attend Thursday’s show.
We arrived early and settled in. I made my home base with my friends, some Frenchies, and a Xolo named Mintsi. The Xoloitzcuintli is a newly recognized breed this year. The shows on Saturday and Sunday are benched shows which means the dogs are required to stay in a certain area all day. This gives the public an opportunity to meet the breed and talk to the handlers.
The Chihuahuas were on at 9AM. There was an impressive entry of six champion specials. There were only two class dogs entered. Bill glided around the ring with an attitude, head and tail held high. He impressed the no nonsense judge and earned another point, that makes 4 now.
Rocky showed perfectly but did not get breed, however he did get select champion dog.. not bad! considering the competition. As I left the ring the judge told me my puppy (Bill ) was “gorgeous.” That made my day. Another handler complemented him also. Way to go Bill!!!
All in all, a good day at the show.