Several years ago while I was taking my two chihuahuas for a walk on a lovely autumn day, one of them was stung by a bee. I was a fair distance from my house and enjoying the beautiful day when I heard Carl, my four pound dog scream. It was literally a scream like I had never heard before. I had no idea what happened. I picked him up and checked him over. I saw a large yellow jacket on his paw. I brushed it off and then Carl went completely limp. I was terrified and picked both dogs up and ran home with tears streaming down my face. I thought for sure that Carl was going to die.
I got to my house and immediately called my vet. Carl was still motionless. The first thing he said was; do you have Benadryl . I did not. I brought Carl right over to the vet’s office and the doctor checked him out. He gave him some Benadryl and a shot of Prednisone. He removed the stinger. By that time Carl was more responsive.
It was most likely he was just reacting to the pain of the sting. For a four pound dog, it must have been quite nasty. My vet told me he had a cat that died from a bee sting and recently a client had told him she found her French bull dog dead in her yard with a wasp in its mouth. What a horror story!
According to Katherine Barrington in The Daily Puppy, “Bee, wasp, yellow jacket and hornet stings are generally not much of an issue for a dog, but some dogs, like people have allergic reactions to stings that can range from mild to very severe or even deadly.”
My vet told me to always keep children’s liquid Benedryl and a dropper in the house in case of emergencies. He told me the proper amount to give a small dog. This advice came in handy, since then I have had more bee stings to deal with. Leeloo and Gypsy (also chihuahuas) were both stung and their little muzzles swelled up immediately.
Dogs are curious creatures and bee stings are not uncommon. Other outdoor hazards include insect bites and even snake bites.
An article at WebMD provides a treatment checklist:
- Identify the insect.
- If the stinger is found (a small black sac), remove it by scraping it out with your fingernail or a credit card.
- Do not squeeze or use tweezers, as this can inject more venom. (Only bees leave their stingers behind.)
- Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it directly to the sting.
- Apply an ice pack to relieve the pain and swelling.
- Apply calamine lotion to relieve the itching.
- Your veterinarian may prescribe an antihistamine.
My advice would be to always consult your veterinarian and be prepared BEFORE you have an emergency. A few moments can make a difference between life and death for your beloved pet.