The AKC pilot program for 2 show days is underway. Apparently this was met with gratitude from owner-handlers and stiff opposition from professional handlers. Why? Because it gives the owner-handlers an advantage over the professionals. Isn’t that refreshing!
I was not aware that this proposal existed. It makes sense to have two shows in one day. You often stay most of the day anyway. The United Kennel Club has been doing this successfully since 1991. I am definitely in favor of this idea.
In the past few years that I have been showing dogs I have noticed the entries steadily declining. According to an article by Barbara J. Andrews, publisher of, “An overwhelming majority of exhibitors and kennel club officers were in favor of the two shows per day but the concept cooled in an unnatural climate of denial.” She goes on to state that “Entries are falling like leaves in, well fall.”
It’s tough to be an owner- handler. We know that when the professionals walk in the ring, regardless of whether or not they have a nice dog, your chances of winning are not good. Showing dogs is an expensive hobby, and it can be very discouraging.
An overwhelming majority of exhibitors and kennel club officers were in favor of the two shows per day but the concept cooled in an unnatural climate of denial.
— Louis Murray, D.V.M
Owner- handlers used to represent the backbone of these competitions. Sadly, though, our beloved sport been taken over by the professionals. It would be nice to be on even ground with the heavy hitters for a change.
I agree with Ms. Andrews when she says that “without breeders and owner-handler support, the sport cannot thrive, much less survive.”
Thank you AKC for trying this new concept. Let’s see what happens. Hopefully this initiative will be successful and gain traction.
So dear readers, what do you think about two shows per day? Send me your thoughts or share your past experiences. Email me at